Rugby player ask for opportunity

WELLINGTON:- Due to health reasons and personal circumstances, he had to say goodbye to school in grade 10, and it made a huge impact on his sporting talent.

Above is Adin in action as a 13 year old player.

“If I am given the chance, I would very much like to get actively involved in rugby again, because it is my passion,” said Adin Januarie .. As a Primary School pupil at Ebenezer Primer,  i received the 0/12 Boland Rugby Playerl of the Tournament, on the age of 12. . It was at a Boland Schools rugby tournament, and I still remember it like it was yesterday. “My passion for sports, and my exceptional talent, started to open doors on the sports field.”  “Every year I just got better and better, and won many sports titles.”

Besides making the U/13 Craven week rugby team, I was, among other things, my school’s “sports boy of the year” in 2015, and I also get Boland Athletics colors in weightlifting. In 2026 I went to Klein Boishaai, and  that year I also get my Western Cape Athletics colors in wait lifting  and also won the title “Cricket player of the year”.  “And i also started playing in my school’s first rugby  team.

The year later I started attending the High Jongens School in Paarl, and became a regular member of the school’s A rugby team.

“That’s when my health began to bother me, and I was forced to leave school in the 10th grade.”  “I am now completely healed, and would very much like to continue my rugby career, if only I can get the opportunity somewhere,” said the now 20-year-old young man.

If someone sees a chance to give Adin Januarie the chance to go further, he would really appreciate it.  According to the young man, he would like to join the Boland or Western Province Academy, but he does not have the necessary funds. In addition, he is currently unemployed, which makes it even more difficult for him.

If someone wants to give him the chance, by supporting him financially, he will grab it with both hands.  If you want to speak to Adin, you can call him on 082 083 0409  (Whats-app 079 977 2322)

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