Disgrace _ that’s what it is

Is this your social responsibility _ https://www.kropz.com/

I write to express my concern regarding Kropz recent initiative to establish a computer room for local youth. While the intention may seem positive, I urge you to consider the broader implications of this decision.

Hopefield Primary School already has an unused computer room, and our local library offers five computers for public use.  If Kropz truly wanted to make a meaningful difference, they should have first asked why these resources are underutilized.

Key Points to Consider

Utilization of Existing Resources _ The computers at Hopefield Primary sit idle. Engaging with the Western Cape Education Department to make these resources available to learners would be a more constructive approach. The library, beyond its computers, provides essential reading materials. Encouraging reading should be prioritized, as literacy is foundational for future success.

Reading vs. Technology _ Children need to learn to read, before they can effectively engage with technology. The computer room diverts attention from books, which are vital for cognitive development.

Social Responsibility _ As a phosphate mine, Kropz has a social obligation to invest in the community. Establishing a computer room without addressing the underlying issues of literacy and resource utilization may do more harm than good.

I left school at 14, yet I’ve thrived as a freelance reporter for over 30 years.

The key to my success?  _ The advice from an editor: “Read, read, and read again.”

Let’s advocate for solutions that truly benefit our community.  Kropz has the opportunity to lead by example; let’s encourage them to focus on enhancing literacy and making existing resources accessible and useful.

Community, less accepting everything without seeing if it will bring any changes. If Kropz wanted to make a difference…. we have two senior rugby teams, a senior cricket club, which also consists of two teams that have to play, a soccer club, and of course the Primary School that also has to use the same field.

If you care as a company, you will plow back something that lifts up the community, not drags it down.

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